Best Daycare in Boca Raton
Blog, Daycare Boca Raton, Preschool Boca Raton, Preschool Delray Beach

Best Daycare in Boca Raton

Top-notch daycare providers and the five important tips to locate the best daycare in Boca Raton or Delray Beach. Get Ready, Set, Grow Academy offers the best preschool programs in Palm Beach County. We are proud to state that we are Apple Accredited and have been awarded the Florida Gold Seal for Quality Care.

There used to be a time when it was really very easy to pick up the best daycare center in one’s area. But, now, with the booming daycare industry, it has become a Herculean task to find that perfect place for your tiny tot. However, with some help from your friends and references from people whom you know, the task will be simplified. You can even make use of the internet for this purpose. Many entrepreneurial daycare providers have provided all the necessary information on their website. You can make use of the local classifieds to find out more family type child care providers or you can just take the help of the counselor from the Child Care Resource and Referral to spot the right place for your child in your area.

You need to follow certain steps once you have decided whether to leave your child at the daycare, be it full time or drop-in, in-home daycare center. Your checklist should include all the information that is discussed below as well as visiting the facility and getting references.


The first thing you need to consider is the level to which supervision takes place at the center. Is your child supervised even when he/she is sleeping or not, the number of caregivers present (the ideal ratio for babies is considered to be 2:1), do these trainers know to give rescue breathing and first aid if necessary, have the caregivers been up to a background check, etc are certain things you need to be sure of.


Have the teachers and the director got at least a Bachelor’s degree in any child-related field to run a daycare center, do the teachers and directors have the necessary experience (at least 1 year and more than 2 years respectively), whether the license is up to date and whether the caregivers are genuinely taking care of your child are other things you need to be sure of.


The next list of things you must check for is if there is a common bathroom accessible for the older children to make use of to wash their hands before and after meals and peeing, whether the diapering areas are clean and whether the used diapers are dispersed off properly, whether the children are kept up to date with their immunizations, are toxic materials and medicines kept out of the reach of children.


You must also check if there is an emergency to plan to help your child in case your child is lost or gets hurt, do they teach the child fire drills, and is there any action plan devised in case of tornadoes or earthquakes.


Last but not least, check if the play areas and the playgrounds are safe and clean! If the toys that are available are according to the age group of children being taken care of and if the playgrounds have been fenced properly.

Though this list may seem too big, a little trip to the daycare center will give you all the necessary information, and do not be afraid to clear yourself off all the doubts that you have in mind.

Best Daycare in Boca Raton

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