All families can enjoy many benefits when their child attends a Delray Beach daycare learning center such as Get Ready, Set, Grow, and Academy. Our preschool programs are designed to engage and educate young children, allowing them to grow quickly during this critical developmental period. If you are searching for the best Best Daycare Center Delray Beach look no further than Get Ready Set Grow!
A preschool that is exceptional can help students make great academic progress. Parents are now more likely to invest in high-quality preschool education.
We’ll be discussing the best benefits of enrolling your child in a quality daycare or preschool program. For more information about Get Ready, Set, and Grow Academy and the reasons we are considered a leading preschool and daycare center in Delray Beach, please fill out our contact form, or call 561-865-2223 for a tour.
Benefits of enrolling your child in our Preschool Daycare Center
A recent study by NICHD shows that children who go to “high-quality” preschools and daycare learning centers can have stronger vocabulary skills than those who don’t. Children who have attended a high-quality preschool program in the first grade are more likely to be successful in the fifth grade than those who did not.
Stronger Social Skills
One of the greatest benefits of attending a Delray Beach daycare center such as Get Ready, Set, Grow is learning how to navigate social situations with or without parents. Children learn to socialize with others in a safe environment, which allows them to be more open and social. This helps to strengthen their sociability and to make friends.
The behavioral benefits of preschool are an effective way to help children interact with others in their adult and young lives. Children can improve their social skills, adapt to a fun preschool learning program, and become more familiar with others. This will help them prepare for primary school, make friends, and show respect for those around them.
Academic Preparation
Children need not study endlessly to enroll in daycare preschool programs. It is a fun time that helps develop the mind of those who are looking toward the future.
However, preschool daycare learners have significant academic benefits.
Researchers concluded in an NICHD study that:
“The U.S. National Institutes of Health’s long-running study shows that children who have been raised in quality childcare scores slightly higher on academic and cognitive achievement measures than those who were not as young as they were years ago.”
The report also found that preschool students were less likely than children who attended lower-quality daycare programs to have a bad day. Both studies highlight how important it is to attend a high-quality preschool daycare.
Get ready to set, grow, and get ready for your Delray Beach daycare program
For over three decades, Get Ready, Set, GROW has been a top-rated daycare in Delray Beach and Boca Raton. Every student is treated with special care and we help them grow.
Best Daycare Center Delray Beach
To learn more, please call 561-865-2223 or fill out our contact form today!
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