Boca Raton Preschool and Daycare
Daycare Boca Raton

Boca Raton Preschool and Daycare

Boca Raton Preschool and Daycare

Selecting the perfect Boca Raton Preschool and Daycare for your child could be as crucial as choosing their Primary Care Doctor. A child’s early years are some of the most fundamentally important for their growth and ongoing development. That’s why it is imperative to ensure they are learning in the best environment is a very important decision you could make as a parent.

When your child attends GRSG, as a parent you’ll get the reassurance that your young one receives the proper education and level of attention they need to grow up smart and strong. GRSG is aware of how difficult it can be to allow someone else to watch your child especially at a young age, but our location is designed specifically with young children in mind.

Safety is s uch a big factor for caring parents selecting the right location for their kids. Our campus is highly safety rated, we value your children’s well-being! With a security guard on the premises, secure gated entrance and video surveillance, and staff trained and certified in First Aid and CPR, you can ensure your children are in safe hands. This Preschool and Daycare in Boca Raton also has creative and colorful classrooms organized by grade level suites with its own covered and gated patio. We have 3 large indoor playrooms, a multipurpose room, and a media center with a computer lab, a cozy library, and a colorful art room.

For children under 2, our program allows for parents to be with their 18 months to 2-year-old preschool children as a way to ease the transition to the following programs. Instructors give parents the option of participating in the new activities, which can help to encourage their child’s social development. Parents’ presence helps make their children more comfortable since they are in unfamiliar surroundings.

Our programs are suited for several ages before Kindergarten age, and we take pride in our 1 and 2-year-old programs. For example, our toddler program is designed to allow one-year-olds to make their own decisions by exploring their surroundings. They are curious, use all five of their senses and want to become more independent. When it comes to both the one-year-olds and even two-year-olds, it’s often their first experience in an educational setting, so of our goals as a  Preschool and Daycare in Boca Raton is to help them transition into such an environment as smoothly as possible. Their curriculum consists of developing social interaction by having the children engage in age-appropriate activities and themes that prove to be enticing to them. The preschool for 2-year-old children includes lesson plans that provide children with the opportunity to learn how to identify letters, numbers, colors, and shapes.

Enroll your child in one of our programs today, or call us with any questions at 561-865-2223.

Related: Childcare in Boca Raton by GRSG
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