Daycare in 2023
It is crucial that you choose Get Ready Set Grow Academy as your top choice for daycare in 2023. Many parents are concerned about their Childs early education and want to find a location which is safe, suitable, and entertaining for their child to begin their educational journey. Our daycare in 2023 has classes that are fun and educational, and they benefit children of different ages.
When it comes to cleanliness and safety, we take these things very seriously. We have a cleaning company that comes to school after hours on Monday and Friday to clean and sanitize the school and take care of reducing cross-contamination and fighting germs by hiring additional staff who work throughout the day, cleaning the playground after each use and other high-touch areas.
Parents can have confidence that their children are receiving high-quality care by choosing a daycare that makes it a priority to keep the facilities as safe as possible. To give just a few examples a number of safety measures we have in place and how we ensure safety, for starters, we have a police response panic device for immediate police response in every classroom, and a secure perimeter fence protects the entire school from danger. Our staff is trained and certified in First Aid and CPR, employees and law enforcement officers all undergo federal, state, and local screening, video surveillance of the perimeter and all access points to the building allows for surveillance of all areas, we have access to telephone and intercom systems, and fire drills are held on a frequent basis to familiarize students and staff with safe exit routes and procedures.
Every one of our programs for 1 to 4 years olds is designed to be as exciting and educational as possible. The educational programs are incorporated into everything we do with our children including the activities we plan, the materials we use, and the way we approach and talk to our children, even the color of the walls, is carefully thought out to help us achieve our objectives. Our curriculum is constantly reviewed and enhanced by our teachers, who are always on the lookout for new ways to improve and extend it.
Get Ready Set Grow Academy is a daycare in 2023 that can provide quality childcare for those who need to drop their children off early and for those who need to pick them up later after class is finished. The safety of your child is also a key factor in choosing a daycare. Contact us for the best daycare in 2023 available and get in touch with us for any questions at 561-865-2223.
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