Safe and Secure Daycare
Part of what makes a Safe and Secure Daycare is ensuring that your child is being cared for by professionals while you are at work. While a secure facility is ideal with accredited status is an excellent start, sometimes it’s also the smaller details that really make a parent know that a Safe and Secure Daycare is there to keep their children safe and comfortable.
Get Ready, Set, Grow Academy has an extended daycare program that benefits working parents who might not be able to pick up their children as early as 2:30 pm, which is the dismissal for the regular daycare program. This extended day program allows parents to drop off children as early as 7:00 in the morning, and pick them up as late as 6:00 in the afternoon. This extended time outside of the educational curriculum gives children the opportunity to socialize with others their age. There are already so many benefits to just exposing your child to experiences that involve knowing how to share with others, hearing others speak which helps with vocabulary, and more.
The Academy also makes sure the children in the extended care program have plenty of enriching and educational activities to keep them both entertained but also start a great foundation in math, English, science, and more by use of outdoor activities and indoor activities.
Get Ready, Set, Grow Academy has educational programs for your toddler or preschooler, from as young an age as 2-year-olds, to 4-year-olds who are getting ready for Kindergarten. The educators employed at this facility are trained in all sorts of areas of education, including mathematics, reading, writing, science, and more. Having these professionals teach the fundamentals to your young children means that they will have the groundwork they’ll need when they go into elementary school, but also some confidence and calmness after already having been exposed to an educational setting.
If you are a new parent, there’s even an added benefit of enrolling in a special program for one-year-olds that will give your baby the ability to explore their surroundings, make independent choices, use their senses and bodies, and manipulate objects, all the while in a supervised and Safe and Secure Daycare.
Get Ready, Set, Grow Academy is a Safe and Secure Daycare that gives children the skills and experiences they need to succeed in the future. Establishing a great educational foundation in a secure environment is very important and should be taken seriously. Enroll your children to Get Ready, Set, Grow Academy today and get started on this wonderful journey. Call 561-865-2223 for any questions or to request a tour of the facility.
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